Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Math Exam Review


Negative numbers represent values below zero and positive numbers represent values above zero.

eg. above and below ground or sea level
1+(-2)= (-1) is an addition statement
3-(-1)=4 is a subtration statement

Opposite integers have the same numeral but different sign eg. 3 and (-3)

Know wat a (+)+(+)= (+)-(+)=
(-)+(-)= (-)-(-)=
(+)+(-)= (+)-(-)=
(-)+(+)= (-)-(+)=

practice with different numerals in each situation


Jennifer Lopez said...

Great job Joy, I'm really having trouble with integers, so this will help a lot.

Peter905 said...

Good Job Joy. I liked how you put colour, But next time you should put pictures. This will help me.

gielhc905 said...

Good Job Joy. the integers really help a lot.

kyia718 said...

Good Job Joy thanks for the reminder I forget nice blog

alyssa718 said...

Good Job joy this really helped :)

bryce7-18 said...

this refreshed my memory

Paolob said...

Good job joy..!!!i like you questions and answers. This will help me for the exam

kim873 said...

Good job joy! I like how you put colours and an example. Next time you should give us a video, but overall it was good. Keep it up! :)