0-ends in zero
1-all numbers
2-even numbers
3-sum of the digits is 3
4-divisible by 2 twice
5-ends in a 0 or 5
6-divisible by 2 and 3
8-divisible by 2 thrice
9-sum of the digits is 9
10-ends in a zero
Divisible - Means when a number can be divided by another number, with no remainder or decimal.
Don't no a definition :'(
Good job paolo! Next time you should add a example, but keep it up! :)
I think u should a photo and a put some a little bit examples
i put color and a photo and a video but then it got deleted for some reason
Great job Paolo! Even though there isn't a lot, it helps with divisibility. Add some pictures or examples but other than that, great job!
good job paolo i like how u put the divisibility rules and it will help me alot but put examples next time
Good Job Paolo. Thanks for adding this things here.
Good job Paolo (: I like how you got the divisibility rules there ! But next time it needs more color and and example (: Keep it up (:
Good job paolo! i like how you gave us the divisibility rule and examples. this will help me study
Good job =D, on the information, but you probably should put a question for the info.
good but you should add questions
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