Monday, November 8, 2010

Order of Operations

Here is a picture and video about BEDMAS!

The questions for order of operations:
1. Annie has been asked to calculate 1.7 + 6 / 2. She claims the answer is 3.85. Do you agree? Explain why or why not.
My Answer:I don't agree because BEDMAS wasn't used , the real answer would be 3.7.
2. Put brackets in the following expression to get the largest value possible.What problem solving strategy did you use? 3 x 2.8 + 6.4 / 4
My answer: (3 x 2.8 )+ 6.4 /4 because it all adds up to 10 which is the highest.
Strategy: (3 x 2.8)+ 6.4 / 4 8.4 + 6.4 / 4 8.4 + 1.6
3. create a problem that could be solved using the following expressions.
2.5 + 1.25 + 5 * 1.6
Cookies had $2.50 in his pocket then found $1.25 on the ground and got lucky having $5.00 in his other pocket.Every street walks to he finds $1.60 so he went to 5 different streets.How much money does Cookies have? Answer: $11.75
If your bored this GAME will help you.


cyerra873 said...

Great job Jomel! Just make sure you check your answers first because I don't think 1.7 + 6 / 2 is 3.7 . Other than that, great job!

kim873 said...

great job jomiel ! i agree with cyerra, just make sure to review your work on 1.7 + 6 divided by 2 . keep it up (:

mikyala8-16 said...

good work jomel
i like the way you set it up and it really helped learn a little more on order of operations and bedmas

Adrian817 said...

Very good job Jomel:)
It helped me more about BEDMAS