Sunday, November 7, 2010

Order of Operations

Level 1 ) B - brackets ( )
E - exponents a2
Level 2 ) D - division ( in order from left to right )
M - multiplication
Level 3 ) A - addition (in order form left to right )
S - subtraction

Question 1 :
Annie has been asked to calculate 1.7 + 6 divided by 2 . She claims the answer is 3.85 . Do you agree ? Explain why or why not .

Answer :
I don't think so , because If the answer was 3.85 she would've used "B.E.D.M.A.S." The real answer is 4.7 because : 6 divided by 2 = 3 , + 1.7 = 4.7 .

( You go by level 2 , then level 3 )

Question 2 :
Put brackets in the following expression to get the largest value possible . What probelm solving strategy did you use ?

First , I did division since it is part of Level 2 , then I did multiplication because that's second after division on Level 2 . Finally , I used addition which was part of Level 3 .

Question 3 :
Create a problem that could be solved using the following expression .

2.5 + 1.25 + 5 x 1.6 = 8

Luke's mom's birthday was comming up , and he needed the money to buy her mom one of those pretty necklaces he found at a shop , but the problem was , he only had $2.50 from the money his sister owed her , and $1.25 from his left over change . He had $3.75 . The necklace was $11,75 . He only needed 8 more dollars . One of his friends told him about a job at the small cafe in the city that paid him $1.60 for every hour . His job was to clean up the tables , and clean the dishes after everyone left . He decided to take it since he was only going to be working for a day , after school ended . Luke worked for 5 hours and got the 8 dollars . (5 x 1.6 = 8 ) The very next day , he added the $3.75 and $8.00 together and bought his mom the necklace she hoped for .

Here is a video you could watch .
Here is a game you could play ! (:
For more information on "BEDMAS" click here .

THANKS FOR READING ! Comment If I did anything wrong (:


Paolob said...

Great job sure know your explainig.Keep at it.

paulo873 said...

KIM nice work you did a super explination nice job especially number three nice work the game really helped me nice work:)

jayjay817 said...

Oh yeah very good.

cyerra873 said...

Niice kimmy. This really helped me out a lot. You explain things really well. Nice job.

liyanah817 said...

Kim great Job!
you did everything perfect...
But you forgot to label some stuff!

sarissa718 said...

Great job Kimmy !
It is explained really well.

kyanna 718 said...

Great job Kim you did so good.! :)

Adrian817 said...

WoW!! Very good job Kim so much information

jordan718 said...

Great Job!