We did how to turn decimals into fractions and the other way, turn fractions into decimals.

Another thing about fractions and decimals is when there is a decimal with a hundredths place value the denominator will be 100
The last we did was how to use a ratio table but I forgot how to use it so I will be doing it on a calculator

The last we did was how to use a ratio table but I forgot how to use it so I will be doing it on a calculator
65 * 120 = 7800 but the real percentage is 78%
Sorry I did it late I got a bit lazy
Good job jomel just next time do it earlier.
Good Job jomel you did a good job explaining
good job jomel , next time try not to get a bit lazy ;)
good job jomel just try not to get lazy next time
this helped a lot
nicce job explaining everything
Nice job Jomel!! Just don't be lazy next time!
Good Job Jomel I like it when you explain it
Nice jomel i like it but yeah do it earlier next time
Good job Jomel, I liked the way you made your own pictures and used color for important words
Good Job jomel (:
Good Job Jomel, you explained how to make fractions into decimal, decimals into fractions and decimals into percents well.
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