Converting mixed numbers and Improper Fractions:
Hi everybody! Today in class, we learnt about converting mixed numb
ers and improper fractions. These were some of the examples that helped us learn about converting
Sometimes when we convert, there is more than one whole, and can be simplified. Since 4 x 3 = 12, you need 2 more to make 14, so you add an extra two fourths. Because 2/4 is divisible, you simplif
y it to make it 1/2. 14/4 = 3 and 1/2.
Subtracting Mixed Numbers:
In order to subtract mixed numbers, there are 4 steps for you to solve your problem
1st- check for common denominators
2nd- subtract the fractions
3rd- subtract the whole
4rth- simplify
Here is an example of how you subtract
mixed numbers:
Let's try a harder one this time?
Notice there no common denominators? Make sure that the denominators equal a common denominator so that 4 and 1/4 and 3 and 2/5 have a denominator of 20. This turns the fractions into 4 and 5/10 and 3
and 8/20.
I hope this helped you guys! (: